Saturday, March 31, 2018

Resources for Women and Girls Affected by Autism

Photo of a white outline of a female shape on a blue background.
Resources for women and girls with autism.

With a prevalence rate of 1 in 189 versus 1 in 42, girls are nearly five times less likely to be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than boys. In celebration of Women’s History Month, here are some resources that address the unique experiences and needs of women on the spectrum.

“Pink on the Spectrum” by Jennifer Cook O’Toole that originally appeared in the Autism Asperger’s Network Magazine. The article includes a helpful handout for recognizing how ASD may manifest in girls.

The Autism Women’s Network strives to support autistic girls and women through community, advocacy and resources. Learn more about them by reading their informative Autistic Women Welcome Packet.

The Autistic Women’s Collective is an online social network for autistic women and mothers of autistic girls.

The Aspiengirl Be Your Own Superhero Project invites females on the autism spectrum of all ages to showcase their talents, abilities, gifts and superpowers. To participate, send your name, country of residence, a description of your superpowers and contact information to the project coordinator.

GRASP Chicago-Downtown Women’s Group is a peer-run support group for girls and women ages 16 and older who are on the autism spectrum. Contact Jamie Specht for more information.

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